I can help YOUR business be successful on the internet today! For those of you who don't know me
allow me to introduce myself...

I'm 62 years young living with my beautiful wife Rosie in south Florida USA. We have a 3
bedroom condo on a golf course a short drive from the Gulf of Mexico.
I don't wake up to an alarm clock in fact I don't even wear a watch anymore. It's amazing how
relaxed and laid back type of a person I have become.
I go many days without even putting on shoes, preferring to stay barefoot and in shorts,
since the average temp is around 78 degrees F
MY marketing experience has not been extensive in length, but rewarding and fulfilling
nonetheless... I love this job... Although only serious about it for 15 years now, I have been
fortunate in that others willing to lend helping hands came easily
...It was up to me to take advantage of their
generosity... and that I did...
I'm telling you this for a reason...success in online marketing is attainable... especially when
you have good people lending those helping hands...
Please forgive my sermon to those who have already reached a level of success... but I am a
regular person just like many of you and I have spent many years learning my
As I progressed it didn't take me long to figure out that if I didn't pay particular attention
to the marketing aspect of my business, and incorporate into my routines a set amount of time and effort
to working at it every day, that soon I would not have a business to Worry
It also didn't take me long to figure out that I better be pretty darn sure I was marketing good
products... hard to put a value on our time but not so hard to realize when we are wasting it after it's
The Internet has come of age. New technology has been developed and new opportunities
have been created with this technology that you probably haven't heard off
I use The Most Powerful Suite of Marketing and SEO Tools ever created on the Internet. You must
become educated in the way that the internet works. Most of so called SEO pro’s use black hat tricks that
are really nothing but lies, hype, scams, deceptions and misrepresentations.
There are so many offers of different SEO help out there, most that promise an abundant source
of Google page 1 listings in very little time. A majority of my clients have been there and done
Unfortunately, many of them fell prey to such empty promises.
I'm glad to see that government agencies are now doing something even if only at the very least
taking note of these fast buck artists so that they can change their claims to something more
Feel at ease, I do not believe in "hype" and much less in false
Promises. Any claims I make have been proven and validated. Therefore, be assured that you are
in good hands.
I'm a professional internet marketer and Validated Veretekk
VereTrainer and SEO Specialist, with 15 years experience, I am an ethical and professional
leader, motivated and committed to doing the very best and offering a quality SEO
If a significant percent of your market is online or is going to be,
You need to position your URL to capture your share.
My goal is to secure that position for you, so traffic is directed
to your site and you are able to complete the sales you project.